
Meet the crew

Do you have questions you’d like to ask?

Our fundraising team are often asked questions about what goes on at the JLA: how many shouts the crew have attended, how fast the new rib goes, how often they go out on exercise and what they do whilst out on the water. These are all genuinely great questions, but ones our fundraising team can’t always answer.

Now you have your chance to talk directly to the crew who are out there, ready, and willing to protect your lives in Jersey’s waters. Whatever your questions, they will be happy to answer them and will no doubt allow you the opportunity to have a few photos taken with them.

Our fundraising stall will be at Charing Cross (near the toad) on Saturday 17th July from 9am until 4pm. During this time, several of our crew members will be present to talk to you and tell you about the new rib, what they get up to and answer your queries.

Why not drop by, say hi, find out more about the JLA and our boats, and take home some goodies too.

#jerseylifeboats #Keepingeveryonesafe #lifeboatsjersey #meetthecrew